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Anhui modern excavator agent: "drink" out of "health" - winter excavator oil, anti freezing liquid

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Anhui modern excavator agent: "drink" out of "health" - winter excavator oil, anti freezing liquid

Release date:2015-10-29 00:00 Source:http://www.axee.cn Views:

Anhui modern excavator engine in cold winter operation, selection of oil and antifreeze is very important, Anhui excavator take off in oil on the choice, not inferior to save a little money but the oil, if the damage to the machine long time, adhere to buy their own good quality oil for their machines use, machine failure less natural profits quickly promoted. So modern excavator oil selection is very important.

The time is too fast, it will be into the cold winter, then the construction machinery of these "big guys" into the winter, how to take care of it? Today, we will discuss the selection of oil in winter.

First, talk about the choice of engine oil in winter.

One, to choose the genuine engine oil to choose the regular manufacturers of engine oil, the best use of the machine and the oil is the same brand, because the manufacturers of oil is in accordance with the characteristics of the machine to produce, so the best way is to use the same brand of oil and its own machine.

Two, according to the different environment temperature selection of appropriate viscosity engine oil engine oil excavator engine use different from other equipment, its heat dissipation performance is poor and the engine is in high load working condition, therefore the engine oil requirement is strict; the choice of engine oil should be based on different environmental temperature difference, please refer to the following table:

Three, according to the quality grade of oil oil at the same time to choose to meet the quality level selection requirements must be used, now American Petroleum Institute, currently on the market, and so on, in order to improve the quality, has been eliminated, it is used; EFI engine; the point is to choose the excavator oil, machine not only the choice of maintenance of oil demand, and the need for strict regular exchange, is also very important.

Secondly, in the cold winter excavator antifreeze is indispensable, if the engine cooling water and antifreeze mixture ratio of less than the requirements, the cooling liquid will freeze the engine cylinder rupture caused serious consequences, and therefore the selection and use of antifreeze to pay attention to the following two points.

One, and now the market can be divided into two major categories of antifreeze can be used for ethylene glycol - standard service life of antifreeze and propylene glycol - extend the use of antifreeze, ethylene glycol (standard service life antifreeze) does not have propylene glycol (extended service life of antifreeze), improved anti corrosive, so that the use of propylene glycol ethylene glycol instead of ethylene glycol.

Two, do not ethylene glycol and propylene glycol mixed use, otherwise it will reduce the antifreeze performance, if the weather is particularly cold, the excavator is too long, please put the anti freeze fluid in the excavator.

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